22 Deaths and 2,490 Injuries in Road Accidents in Morocco Last Week

The General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) announced that 22 people died and 2,490 others were injured, including 109 seriously, in 1,815 road accidents that occurred in urban areas during the week of March 17 to 23.

The DGSN stated in a press release that these accidents are mainly due to drivers’ inattention, failure to respect priority, failure to maintain a safe distance, speeding, pedestrians’ inattention, failure to respect stop signs, lack of vehicle control, unauthorized lane changes, lane changes without signaling, driving on the left lane, improper overtaking, failure to respect red lights, and driving in the wrong direction.

Regarding traffic control and enforcement, the security services recorded 42,492 traffic violations and issued 7,990 reports that were submitted to the public prosecutor’s office, while 34,502 amicable fines were collected, according to the same source.

The amounts collected from these violations reached 7,368,375 dirhams, according to the DGSN, which also reported the impoundment of 5,167 vehicles, the withdrawal of 7,990 documents, and the immobilization of 780 vehicles.

About محمد الفاسي