Al-Tadamon Association Requests Replacement of Traditional Luggage Carriers on Small Taxis in Fez

The Al-Tadamon Association for Professional Driver Development and Small Taxi Operators in Fez, along with the Professional Union for Small Taxi Drivers in Fez, submitted a petition to the Governor of the Fez-Meknes region and the Provincial Governor of Fez on August 27, 2024. In this petition, they requested the replacement of the traditional luggage carrier known as “Karwi” with an illuminated sign displaying the word “Taxi.”

The petition explained that this proposal aims to improve the quality of service provided by small taxi drivers in Fez and enhance road safety and general comfort for citizens.

The Association noted in its letter that the small taxis in Fez have historically been identified by their red color and the traditional luggage carrier known as “Karwi.” However, this system no longer keeps pace with current challenges despite its previous role.

The petition indicated that the proposed change is not only aimed at improving the general appearance of taxis but also helps avoid several recurring problems, including the distortion of the car’s aesthetic appearance, passengers forgetting their belongings, and risks associated with load instability in sloped areas.

The Association expressed its belief that implementing this change will contribute to enhancing the city’s image and improve passenger comfort and safety, while positively impacting the small taxi sector in Fez in general.

The Association requested that local authorities carefully study this proposal and take appropriate measures that serve the public interest and contribute to improving the level of public transport services in the Fez province.

It is worth noting that this proposal aligns with the standards followed in many Moroccan cities and internationally, and represents a step toward modernizing the urban transport sector in the city.

About محمد الفاسي