Urgent demands for the Akhannouch government’s Minister of Tourism: Tounate needs its own tourism office!

Parliamentarian Mohamed El Hajira sent a written question to the Minister of Tourism, Traditional Industry and Social and Solidarity Economy, inquiring about future plans to create a tourism office in Taounate region.

In his question, El Hadjira stressed the importance of developing the tourism sector in the region, which is among the areas with important natural and historical potential that can contribute to boosting the local economy and creating job opportunities for the region’s youth.

The parliamentarian added that the creation of a tourism office would contribute significantly to the organization and development of tourism activity in the region and stimulate investments in this vital sector.

He stressed that the region has many tourist attractions that, despite their importance, remain underutilized due to the absence of structures to manage and promote this sector, and noted that a tourism office would improve coordination between the various local actors and supporters of tourism, and create a strategic vision for the sustainable development of this field.

At the end of his question, the MP asked the minister to clarify the measures and plans that the ministry intends to take to develop the tourism sector in Taounate, and whether there is a feasibility study to create a tourism office that would contribute to the advancement of this sector.

Source : Fes News Media

About Mansouri abdelkader