In the most recent session of the Moroccan House of Representatives, several parliamentarians sharply criticized the government, calling for an official apology to the Moroccan people for what they deemed irresponsible statements made by certain officials. The session highlighted issues concerning several vital sectors, such as tourism, health, and education. Parliamentarians argued that the government has not provided effective and practical solutions to many of the problems facing Moroccan citizens.
At the outset of the session, lawmakers emphasized the lack of a clear vision from the government regarding tourism policy, pointing out that discussions on the development of the tourism sector cannot take place without improvements in the health sector. They also criticized the government’s statements about social protection, particularly the adoption of the framework law, which they deemed insufficient and unable to meet the needs of the population.
One of the key demands raised during the session was for the government to issue a formal apology to the Moroccan people for the irresponsible remarks made. Parliamentarians also called for urgent actions in the education and health sectors, stressing that the current situation does not meet the expectations of the Moroccan people.
Regarding the tourism sector, strong criticisms were directed at what was considered the absence of a comprehensive strategy to develop the sector. Despite the figures presented by the government regarding the number of tourists, lawmakers pointed out that many Moroccans prefer to travel abroad due to high prices and poor services. They argued that the government has not focused enough on promoting domestic tourism.
In terms of education and health, parliamentarians noted that Morocco faces significant challenges in both sectors. They pointed to the declining quality of education in the country, highlighting Morocco’s low rankings globally in this field. They also raised concerns about disruptions in hospitals due to strikes and a shortage of resources, calling on the government to take full responsibility for improving the healthcare situation.
In conclusion, the parliamentarians emphasized the need for the government to take greater responsibility and issue an apology to the Moroccan people for its failures in several areas. They called for radical and urgent reforms, stressing that the Moroccan public is waiting for the government to provide real solutions to the problems they face.
source: fesnews media