Outbreak of Measles Detected at Al-Andalus School in Tifelt: Authorities Launch Immediate Response

In a recent emergency incident in the city of Tifelt, a local source confirmed to Fes News the detection of several cases of measles (locally known as Bouhmroun) at Al-Andalus School. The situation has caused significant concern among parents, many of whom gathered outside the school to seek reassurance about the health of their children attending the institution.

In response to the outbreak, local authorities and specialized medical teams promptly initiated a vaccination campaign targeting students in the affected classrooms. This preventive measure is part of efforts to contain the spread of the disease and ensure the safety of both students and staff at the school.

Health officials have also urged parents to remain vigilant and ensure their children are up-to-date on vaccinations, emphasizing the importance of collective action in addressing public health concerns.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader