Tragic Drowning Incident in Chtouka-Aït Baha Claims Four Lives

A tragic incident occurred in the Chtouka-Aït Baha province, where four individuals, including two brothers and their mother, drowned in a water basin located within a farm in the rural commune of Ouad Essafa. The drowning took place on Saturday evening when four children entered the agricultural site, which contained a basin intended for irrigation water collection.

According to reports, one of the children fell into the basin, prompting a friend to attempt a rescue. Unfortunately, the rescuer also fell in and drowned. A third child tried to save both but met the same fate. The fourth child went to fetch the mother of two of the victims. Upon her arrival at the scene, she slipped and fell into the basin as well, and she did not survive.

Emergency services, including the Royal Gendarmerie and Civil Protection, were alerted and promptly arrived at the scene. An investigation has been launched to determine the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.

About محمد الفاسي