Suspension of Urban Transport Line Between Taza Center and University District Sparks Student and AMDH Discontent

The Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) – Taza branch – reported in a statement that the management of Fogal Company, which is authorized to manage urban transport in Taza, has suspended the bus line connecting the city center to the university district located more than 5 kilometers outside the city on Sunday.

The association added that this decision came despite a previous agreement between the company’s management and student representatives reached after a dialogue session.

AMDH described this measure as “incomprehensible” and “arbitrary against students,” warning that it “will inevitably increase their suffering.”

In its statement, the association called on the company’s management to reverse this decision and deal positively with the students’ demands. It also emphasized the need to reinforce the urban transport fleet with additional buses, considering that the current buses “do not meet the city’s needs in this vital sector.”

It is worth noting that this issue highlights the challenges facing the urban transport sector in Taza and its direct impact on the daily lives of students and citizens.

About محمد الفاسي