Forecasts Predict Above-Average Rainfall on Western Coasts of Morocco Next Week

Rabat, October 6, 2024 – The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has issued its weather predictions for the coming week, indicating the likelihood of above-average rainfall on the western coasts of the Kingdom of Morocco.

According to the map released by the ECMWF Monthly Forecast System, covering the period from October 7 to 13, 2024, the western coastal areas of Morocco are shown in blue, suggesting an expectation of above-average rainfall in those regions.

These forecasts are a source of hope for farmers and citizens in the western areas of the kingdom, especially given the ongoing need for water in the region. However, it should be noted that these predictions may be subject to change as the event approaches, and citizens are advised to follow updated weather bulletins from the National Meteorological Service.

Officials have called on citizens to take necessary precautions and prepare for the possibility of heavy rainfall, while emphasizing the importance of conserving water resources and using them sustainably.

The source concluded with a prayer, saying: “We ask God to bless our country with beneficial rain, and to make these expected rains a cause of goodness and blessing for the land and the people.”

This forecast comes as welcome news for a region that often faces water scarcity issues, potentially bringing relief to agricultural sectors and replenishing water reserves. However, authorities also stress the importance of being prepared for any potential flooding or weather-related incidents that may occur with increased rainfall.

About محمد الفاسي