New Hope for Cancer Survivors: Ovarian Tissue Freezing Technology Fulfills Dream of Motherhood in Morocco

Ovarian tissue freezing technology offers new hope for girls and women who have suffered from uterine cancer or undergone chemotherapy, which can affect their fertility.

For the first time in Morocco, a clinic in Casablanca successfully implemented this groundbreaking technique, giving cancer survivors a chance to preserve their ability to conceive even after treatment.

Chemotherapy often leads to reduced fertility, making it difficult for women to achieve their dream of becoming mothers. However, with ovarian tissue freezing, the hope of motherhood is rekindled.

The process involves extracting ovarian tissue, slicing it into small pieces, and freezing it for safe storage. If healthy eggs are found, they are frozen as well, significantly increasing the chances of future pregnancy without the need for artificial insemination.

This breakthrough marks a significant medical achievement in Morocco, offering new possibilities for many women to restore their hopes of motherhood.

The technology opens doors to a brighter future, enabling women to pursue their dream of having children after overcoming one of the most challenging health battles.

source : fesnews media

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