African Chess Union Expels Polisario Front with Overwhelming Majority

In a significant diplomatic development, the African Chess Union voted by an overwhelming majority to expel the Polisario Front from its membership, marking a clear victory for the Moroccan position. This decisive vote took place during a meeting held on the sidelines of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) conference in Budapest, Hungary.

Bouchra El Ghaddari, President of the Royal Moroccan Chess Federation, played a pivotal role in this achievement, successfully rallying support from African countries to exclude the Polisario. This decision revokes the Polisario’s membership, which it had obtained in 2019.

This development is considered a major blow to Algeria, the main supporter of the Polisario Front, and is part of a series of diplomatic victories Morocco has recently achieved in the Sahara issue on the African stage. The decision also reflects the success of Morocco’s ongoing efforts to isolate the Polisario both regionally and internationally.

Observers view this vote as an important step in strengthening Morocco’s position within African institutions and confirming the growing African support for Morocco’s territorial integrity. It also indicates a shift in the balance of power in favor of the Moroccan vision for resolving the Sahara conflict.

This decision is expected to have broader implications for diplomatic relations in the region and may encourage other regional and international organizations to take similar steps in the future.

About محمد الفاسي