Tragedy in Tata: 10 Dead and 7 Missing in Bus Swept Away by Floods

The Provincial Delegation for Health and Social Protection in the Tata region of Morocco has reported a new toll for a tragic incident that occurred last Friday, where a passenger bus was swept away by floods resulting from heavy thunderstorms in the area.

According to the latest update, 10 people have lost their lives in the incident, while 13 others were rescued. The delegation indicated that 7 of the bus passengers are still missing as of now.

In a statement to the Maghreb Arab Press Agency, the Provincial Delegate for Health and Social Protection, Habib Aznak, confirmed that all concerned services have mobilized all logistical and human resources to continue the search operations for the missing individuals.

This tragic incident highlights the dangers of flash floods in areas experiencing heavy rainfall and underscores the importance of enhancing safety measures and early warning systems in such severe weather conditions.

Local authorities are continuing their efforts in search and rescue operations, hoping to locate the missing individuals as soon as possible. Psychological and social support is also being provided to the families of the victims and survivors of this painful incident.

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