Moroccan Government Delays Approval of Health Insurance Law Amendment

The Moroccan government has decided to postpone the approval of the draft law amending and supplementing the Basic Compulsory Health Insurance Law, which was scheduled for discussion during the government council meeting on Thursday, September 19, 2024.

Mustafa Baitas, the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesperson, stated that the delay aims to deepen the discussion surrounding the project’s contents.

During the press conference following the government meeting, Baitas explained, “We have initiated discussions within the government regarding this topic, but we preferred to postpone it for further study and analysis.

We will approve it when it is ready, after which it will proceed to the legislative process in both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors.”

Commenting on the controversy surrounding this law, the minister noted that “the postponed law responds to the framework law on health coverage, which calls for the unification of bodies responsible for management.” He added, “This reform is not simple; it is extensive and deep, involving various partners and stakeholders.”

The draft law has sparked widespread debate since its introduction by the Minister of Health and Social Protection to the government’s secretariat. Unions and public employee mutual societies have expressed dissatisfaction with “not being involved in the discussion,” calling for the project to be withdrawn from the government’s agenda.

source: fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader