Collective Attempts to Cross the Border into Occupied Ceuta Trigger Security Tensions

In a concerning development on the Moroccan-Spanish border, the occupied city of Ceuta has witnessed repeated attempts of illegal border crossings by hundreds of migrants. According to local sources, nearly 400 people managed to breach the security barriers and reach the borders of the occupied Spanish enclave.

Hundreds of young people and minors responded to calls on social media for a collective assault on Ceuta on September 15. Despite intensified security measures, migrants were able to reach the Bab Sebta crossing point in large numbers via mountainous areas in a second attempt.

The Spanish local website “El Faro de Ceuta” reported that hundreds of sub-Saharan and Moroccan migrants attempted to cross the fence, defying Spanish and Moroccan security forces. The alarm was raised around 11:00 AM when a group of 300 to 400 people approached the border.

By noon, Moroccan security forces had managed to control the situation, ending the infiltration attempt. The city of Fnideq experienced a difficult night with an unprecedented deployment of all types of security forces.

According to the “Europa Press” agency, the Spanish Government Delegation in Ceuta confirmed the “intermittent closure” of the Tarajal crossing due to the approach of hundreds of migrants to the border area in Morocco. The decision was made in “full” cooperation between the Spanish and Moroccan governments.

Spanish and Moroccan security forces continue their efforts to counter the mass assaults after a night of intense tension along the border. Morocco has deployed a large security apparatus, reinforced with Royal Gendarmerie reinforcements.

It is expected that the closing and opening of the border will continue throughout the day until groups of sub-Saharan and Maghreb migrants leave the border vicinity. Security forces have been working on the border area since the first closure around 11 AM to prevent entry into Ceuta.

About محمد الفاسي