Officially: A Letter from the President of the Smima Commune Reveals a Shortcoming in Ambulance Services in the Tahella Region and Calls for Urgent Intervention

Fes News has obtained detailed information regarding an official letter sent by the president of the Smima communal council to the head of the Tahella district concerning a serious shortcoming in the response of the on-call ambulance to an emergency that occurred on Saturday, August 24, 2024.

According to the letter, an ambulance was called to transport a critically ill patient to the hospital. However, the driver refused to respond, claiming that the ambulance was not intended for this type of case, despite the official roster confirming that it was operating as an on-call service for emergency cases.

The official responsible for the health center in the area did not provide any convincing explanation to the family, forcing them to transport the patient to the hospital in a private vehicle. This situation angered the family and prompted the commune president to contact the authorities, demanding a review of the on-call program and ensuring that ambulances are ready to operate at any time and under any circumstances.

The letter also called for a comprehensive investigation into this incident, which threatens the lives of citizens and undermines the credibility of ambulance services provided to the local population, especially in emergencies.

Source: Fes News

About محمد الفاسي