Student Accuses Private University in Fes of Fraud Over Tuition Refund

A student reported to Fes News that she was subjected to unethical treatment by a private university in Fes after enrolling and paying 20,000 dirhams in tuition fees.

The student, who was later accepted into a public higher education institution, requested a partial refund upon withdrawing from the private university.

Although the university initially informed her that 6,000 dirhams of the fee were non-refundable, she was shocked when the university attempted to withhold the entire amount, refusing to return any of the funds.

The student described this as fraud and deceit on the part of the university administration.

She called on the relevant ministry to intervene urgently to put an end to such practices and ensure students’ rights are protected in these situations.

This incident raises important questions about the transparency of financial transactions in some private universities and their adherence to student rights in cases of withdrawal.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader