Controversy Erupts as Company Begins Project in Fes Before Council Approval

In an unusual development that has sparked widespread controversy, a company has started implementing a crucial project within the Fes municipality before it was put to a vote by the city council.

This action has generated surprise and dismay among council members and residents, who are questioning how a project can commence before being officially discussed and approved by elected representatives of the community.

Councilors have expressed their frustration, viewing this as a serious breach of the laws and regulations governing public project management. They have raised concerns about how the contract was approved and who authorized the company to begin work prior to the council’s vote.

Some members are demanding explanations from the council president, who appears to have initiated the discussion on the vote only after the project had already started on the ground.

These developments have heightened concerns about transparency in the municipality’s administration, with many questioning the legitimacy of this step and its compliance with legal procedures.

Residents have also voiced their worries regarding this contract, calling for an immediate and thorough investigation to determine how it was approved and whether it adhered to the applicable laws.

The questions surrounding this project not only relate to the bypassing of voting stages but also to the procedures followed in initiating the project.

The lack of transparency in this process has led to speculations about potential administrative irregularities that could impact the municipality’s reputation and its ability to manage projects effectively.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader