Mali’s Communication Authority Suspends TV5 Monde for Three Months

Bamako, Mali  – The High Authority for Communication (HAC) of Mali has suspended the broadcasting of TV5 Monde’s bouquets in the country for a period of three months. The decision, announced on Monday, September 9, 2024, follows a series of violations of Malian media regulations by the French television channel.

The HAC cited an incident in TV5 Monde’s “Journal Afrique” program on August 26, 2024, where a journalist presented a one-sided account of an event involving the Malian Armed Forces. The journalist reportedly relied solely on unnamed sources without verifying the information with the Malian Ministry of Information and Public Relations (DIRPA). This, according to the HAC, constitutes a breach of journalistic ethics and a lack of due diligence.

This suspension also comes as a consequence of a previous warning issued to TV5 Monde on May 15, 2023, for similar violations. The HAC has emphasized that its actions are in line with Decree 2016-0626, which outlines the procedures for imposing non-penal sanctions on media outlets that violate Malian broadcasting regulations.

The suspension of TV5 Monde’s broadcasts in Mali represents a significant development in the ongoing debate surrounding media freedom and responsibility in the country. The HAC’s decision highlights the importance of balanced and accurate reporting, particularly when dealing with sensitive issues related to national security and the armed forces.

About محمد الفاسي