The return of the security checkpoint at the entrance of Fez on the Imouzzer road: Enhancing security and intensifying surveillance

The city of Fez has witnessed the return of the security checkpoint at its entrance on the Imouzzer road, a step aimed at enhancing security and intensifying surveillance operations on all those entering the city. This measure comes as part of the ongoing efforts made by the Fez Security Prefecture to maintain public order and combat crime, especially in light of the current situations that require intensified preventive measures to ensure citizens’ safety.

The security checkpoint deployed at this vital entrance to Fez is considered one of the essential security measures in monitoring traffic and reducing transport-related crimes. It also contributes to detecting suspicious activities and ensuring the safety of vehicles and passengers.

This return comes in line with security directives aimed at protecting vital facilities and the community from potential threats, in addition to its role in enforcing respect for laws related to transportation and movement.

The security teams deployed at the checkpoint work on verifying identities, inspecting vehicles, and searching for any elements that threaten security, using modern equipment that allows for the immediate detection of violations and crimes.

Source: Fez News

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