Urban Renewal in Meknes: Projects to Beautify and Improve Quality of Life

The Municipal Council of Meknes held an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday, during which a series of structural projects aimed at transforming the urban landscape and enhancing the quality of life for citizens were approved.

Urban Planning Program

Among the key projects adopted is the Urban Planning Program (PAU), which has a budget of 250 million dirhams. This program aims to revitalize several strategic neighborhoods in the city. The implementation period for this program will span from 2024 to 2026 and will be financed through a tripartite arrangement, with the Ministry of the Interior contributing 150 million dirhams, while the Municipality of Meknes and the regional council will each contribute 50 million dirhams.

Infrastructure Improvement

The program also includes the modernization of public lighting in several streets and alleys of the city, based on a prioritization of needs. In a statement to the Moroccan News Agency (MAP), the President of the Municipal Council of Meknes, Jaouad Bahaji, emphasized the importance of this extraordinary session, which allowed for the examination and validation of several projects under the PAU framework.

Goals of Urban Development

Bahaji noted that this program, with a budget of 250 million dirhams, will modernize and beautify the main thoroughfares of Meknes, thereby contributing to the enhancement of the Ismaili city. He stated that the goal is to create a harmonious and functional urban environment through upgrading infrastructure, improving mobility, rehabilitating public spaces, and strengthening basic services.

Environmental Preservation

In addition to urban development, the Municipal Council also approved another partnership agreement aimed at the maintenance and preservation of the Lahboul National Park. This environmental jewel, which serves as the green lung of Meknes, will benefit from a conservation and maintenance program through collaboration between the regional directorate of local authorities, the Municipality of Meknes, the prefecture of Meknes, and the High Commission for Water, Forests, and the Fight Against Desertification.

Sustainable Projects

This agreement aligns with the national program for the restoration of historical gardens initiated by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, emphasizing sustainability and the protection of urban biodiversity. It also aims to ensure the longevity of plantations, trees, green spaces, and the protection of the fauna and flora of the Lahboul Park.

Improvement of Public Services

In the context of enhancing public services, the members of the Municipal Council of Meknes also approved the agreement for the creation of the “Fès-Meknes Distribution” grouping. This grouping will be responsible for overseeing the management of water and electricity distribution services, as well as liquid sanitation throughout the Fès-Meknes region.

Transition to a New Model

This initiative aims to pave the way for the future establishment of a regional multi-service company, in accordance with the provisions of Law 83-21, which seeks to fundamentally reform the management system of public services related to electricity, drinking water, and liquid sanitation. The “Fès-Meknes Distribution” grouping will play a crucial role in this transition to a new, more efficient, and effective management model, significantly improving the quality of public services offered to the region’s citizens.

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