M’dez Dam Enters Final Construction Phase and Prepares for Early Operation

The M’dez Dam, located 58 kilometers southeast of the city of Sefrou, is entering the final stage of construction, confirming the completion of a major project as part of the development of the upper Sebou region.This key project, initially scheduled to be completed by the end of October 2024, has seen its impoundment accelerated to the end of February 2024.The acceleration of the works, in response to royal instructions aimed at speeding up water-related projects, has allowed for the precious gain of eight months. This progress in the project schedule underscores the importance attached to the management of water resources in the region.

Project Details

According to dam officials, the reservoir has currently reached a level of 745 meters above sea level, corresponding to approximately 8 million cubic meters of stored water, an encouraging start towards achieving the objectives set for this dam.They noted that the recent rainfall in the region on August 27 and 28, 2024 allowed the retention of a flood of about 3 million cubic meters.In a statement to the Moroccan News Agency (MAP), Abdelaaziz Naji, Head of the M’dez Dam Development, stressed that the project is part of the development of the upper Sebou and responds to an urgent need to solve the overexploitation of the Saïss plain aquifer.He explained that the M’dez Dam is an earth-fill dam with an upstream concrete face, about 109 meters high, with a dike volume of approximately 2.6 million cubic meters.Its impressive storage capacity of 700 million cubic meters will allow for the achievement of three main objectives: the transfer of 125 million cubic meters per year to the Saïss plain, the protection of the downstream Allal El Fassi Dam, and the supply of drinking water to neighboring douars (villages).The project manager also detailed the dam’s ancillary structures, including the temporary diversion, bottom outlet, water intakes for agriculture and drinking water, and the spillway.He stressed that the works are almost complete, with an estimated budget of around 1.6 billion dirhams, noting that the entire project has been carried out by Moroccan staff.

Positive Impacts

The M’dez Dam is part of a large water development program for the Sebou basin, initiated since Morocco’s independence. This program aims to ensure the irrigation of the Gharb and Saïss plains, the supply of drinking water to urban centers and industrial units, the production of hydroelectric power, and the protection of downstream areas from flooding.The M’dez Dam thus complements an existing network of water infrastructure (Oued Sebou), whose total capacity already exceeds 5.7 billion cubic meters.Beyond its main functions, the M’dez Dam will have significant induced effects on the development of the region. It has created nearly 400,000 workdays during the construction phase, contributing to the qualification of the local workforce.The project also involves the opening up of neighboring douars by diverting Provincial Road No. 5016, which will be flooded by the dam reservoir. Additionally, the development of environmental tourism around the future reservoir is envisaged, opening new economic prospects for the region.

Negative Impacts and Mitigation Measures

However, the realization of such a project is not without consequences for the local environment. Mitigation measures have been taken, including the compensation of owners of expropriated land and the restoration of affected infrastructure. These arrangements aim to ensure a fair transition for local populations.

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