Dismissal Decisions Target Commune Presidents and Local Elected Officials in Casablanca Region

The Administrative Court of First Instance in Casablanca, specializing in administrative law and annulment cases, has recently issued dismissal decisions affecting several commune presidents and local elected officials in the Casablanca region. These decisions are based on reports described as “black” by the General Inspectorate of Territorial Administration (IGAT), which revealed serious dysfunctions in the management of local public affairs.

These dismissals come in the wake of a series of judicial prosecutions initiated by the Ministry of Interior, through its territorial administration services, after detecting a set of irregularities confirmed by IGAT. The files in question indicate significant shortcomings in the administrative and financial management of the concerned communes, particularly in the field of urban planning, where building permits were issued illegally.

The court’s decisions were reinforced by urgent requests submitted by the governors of the concerned provinces, demanding the immediate dismissal of the incriminated presidents and members of communal councils, who belong to various political parties.

Among the individuals affected by these dismissal decisions are:

  • Nourredine Mefdhal, president of Oulad Si Yahya commune in Sidi Bennour province
  • Bouchaib Mezouz, member of Oulad Zaidane commune in Nouaceur province
  • Abdelhamid El Azzab, member of Oulad Azzouz commune in Berrechid province
  • Abdelatif El Aroui, president of Oulad Zaidane commune in Berrechid province
  • Abderrahim Atik and Hanan Kmir, members of Dar Bouazza commune in Nouaceur province
  • Abdelkader Ben Ahniya, member of Oulad Azzouz commune in Nouaceur province
  • Mohamed Kotrab, president of Oulad Azzouz commune in Nouaceur province
  • Abdelatif Qilech, member of Settat commune in Settat province

Before initiating the dismissal procedures, the General Inspectorate of Territorial Administration had sent requests for explanations to the commune presidents targeted by these decisions. These requests followed the discovery of serious dysfunctions in the financial and administrative management of the communes, particularly in urban planning, with the granting of illegal building permits, as well as other violations in the daily management of essential sectors.

This series of dismissals marks a significant turning point in the management of local affairs in Casablanca, illustrating the authorities’ determination to crack down on poor governance and ensure transparency and legality in public administration.

About محمد الفاسي