Deutsche Welle (DW): Morocco Achieves Historic Diplomatic Victory on Western Sahara Issue with Increasing International Support

Rabat – In a recent article published by the German news agency Deutsche Welle (DW), light was shed on the significant diplomatic progress Morocco has made on the Western Sahara issue, indicating that “Morocco’s strategy on Western Sahara has borne fruit.”

The report mentioned that Morocco’s proposed autonomy plan is increasingly gaining international support as the only viable solution to the long-standing regional conflict.

DW pointed out that “for Morocco’s King Mohammed VI, this summer could go down in history,” after France recently joined the United States and Spain in supporting Morocco’s proposal to grant the Western Sahara region autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty.

President Emmanuel Macron confirmed France’s support for Morocco’s autonomy plan in a letter to the Moroccan monarch, a move DW described as “highly symbolic” and “could determine the fate of the Western Sahara dispute.”

The article described the Western Sahara issue as essentially a conflict between Morocco and Algeria, which has long used the separatist Polisario Front as a tool in its regional struggle against Morocco.

Despite decades of Algerian intervention, DW concluded that “the Western Sahara conflict is ‘over’ and the Sahara independence movement will eventually have to settle for some form of autonomy within Morocco.”

While the report is generally balanced, it contains some claims that warrant scrutiny. For instance, the report claims there are 173,600 Sahrawi refugees living in Polisario-run camps in Algeria. However, the UN has repeatedly called on Algeria to allow a census in these camps to verify the actual number of refugees.

Additionally, while the DW report claims that the UN supports holding a referendum on independence, this is no longer the current position of the international organization.

About محمد الفاسي