Dangerous Delay in Implementing Decision to Remove Collapse Risk in Ain Azliten Neighborhood of Old Fez

In an incident reflecting negligence in applying crucial decisions, the Fez municipality has unjustifiably delayed the implementation of its decision No. 44/2024, issued on November 17, 2021, which aimed to eliminate the imminent danger to residents of the Ain Azliten neighborhood due to a house at risk of collapse. The decision, based on several laws and royal decrees, stipulated the necessity for the owner to take the required measures within 10 days to prevent an impending disaster. This delay in implementation reflects poor coordination between competent authorities and increases the fears of neighborhood residents who live in a state of constant terror from the possibility of the house collapsing on their heads.

The decision issued by the President of Fez Municipality is based on the provisions of Royal Decree No. 1.15.85 issued on 20 Ramadan 1436 (July 7, 2015), related to Organic Law No. 113.14, along with several other legal texts aimed at protecting public safety. The owner targeted by the decision, called Kouskous Said, is obligated to carry out the necessary works to secure the building within the specified period, otherwise the municipality will intervene at his expense.

Ignoring this decision threatens a humanitarian disaster in the Ain Azliten neighborhood, necessitating immediate intervention from the concerned authorities to ensure residents’ safety and avoid any human or material losses. The delay in implementing such decisions reflects a significant challenge in applying the law and protecting lives, and calls for strengthening monitoring and follow-up mechanisms to ensure timely implementation of decisions.

Source: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي