Moroccan Authorities Tighten Security Measures to Counter the Wave of Irregular Migration to Ceuta

The Moroccan authorities have reinforced their security measures to confront the new wave of irregular migration towards the city of Ceuta through swimming, as they continue their efforts to thwart collective and individual attempts to infiltrate the occupied enclave.

Foiling Migration Attempts

Well-informed sources told the newspaper “Al-Omk” that the Moroccan authorities carried out a large-scale security operation, during which they managed to foil the arrest of more than 800 candidates for irregular migration in a single night, most of them Moroccans and Algerians, in addition to other Arab and Asian nationalities, amid a state of high security alert.

Presenting Detainees to the Public Prosecutor

The sources added that the detainees who incited migration and had criminal records were presented before the Public Prosecutor at the Court of First Instance in Tetouan, while minors were transferred to the Social Welfare Center in Martil to be handed over to their guardians with a written commitment to bear the legal consequences in case their underage children return.

Strengthening Security Measures

The sources indicated that the authorities, represented by the Royal Armed Forces, the Royal Gendarmerie, the Auxiliary Forces, the National Security, and the local authorities, have tightened their measures strictly to limit these repeated attempts at migration.

Closing the Walkway Leading to the Beach

Among the most prominent new measures taken, the complete closure of the walkway leading to the beach at the section connecting Fnideq and Ceuta, through iron fences, to prevent everyone from approaching the beach in order to put an end to attempts to jump into the sea and swim towards Ceuta.

Monitoring Suspicious Accounts

In a related context, “Al-Omk” learned that the Moroccan security services are closely monitoring several known accounts on social media platforms, which are suspected of inciting irregular migration, where it is expected that the owners of these accounts will be referred to the Public Prosecutor’s Office after being identified.

Enhancing Military and Security Presence

The newspaper “El Faro de Ceuta” revealed that Morocco has strengthened its military and security presence on the borders with Ceuta, increasing the number of naval boats monitoring irregular migration operations in Fnideq to six boats, with the deployment of significant security reinforcements along the maritime area between Fnideq and Ceuta.

Escalation of Migration Attempts

The northern coasts of the Kingdom are witnessing a noticeable escalation in attempts at irregular migration through swimming towards the occupied city of Ceuta, raising questions about the reasons and motives behind this growing phenomenon and the challenges facing the Moroccan authorities in dealing with it.

Joint Efforts with Spanish Authorities

Coordination operations continue between the Moroccan and Spanish authorities to return migrants who manage to reach Ceuta, while investigations are underway into cases of incitement to migration and exploitation of minors, in addition to tracking down those involved in human trafficking.

Deterrent Penalties for Violators

The newspaper sources stressed that all those involved in these crimes will be brought to justice, where they will face deterrent penalties under the law, as part of efforts to combat the phenomenon of irregular migration and pursue criminal networks.

Praise for Moroccan Efforts

These efforts by the Moroccan authorities to confront the wave of irregular migration have been praised by Spanish officials in the occupied city, considering that Morocco’s efforts have saved the region from a major humanitarian crisis.

About محمد الفاسي