Diplomatic Achievement: Complete Map of Morocco Appears in French Textbooks

In a notable development reflecting an important diplomatic success for the Kingdom of Morocco, the complete map of Morocco, including the Moroccan Sahara, has appeared in French textbooks for the new academic year. These books were spotted in several French shopping centers ahead of the start of the school season.

This significant shift in the representation of the Moroccan map comes as a result of intensive diplomatic efforts exerted by the Kingdom over the years. It is worth noting that this achievement was realized without media fanfare or showmanship, but through quiet and continuous diplomatic work.

This development is considered an important step in the course of international recognition of Morocco’s territorial integrity, especially as it comes from a country with political and historical weight such as France. It also reflects the success of Morocco’s diplomatic strategy based on constructive dialogue and diligent work away from rhetorical speeches.

This change in French textbooks is expected to have a positive impact on the awareness of the new generation in France about the geographical and political reality of Morocco, which may contribute to strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries in the long term.

While there has been no official comment from the Moroccan side on this development, observers see it as a clear indication of the growing international recognition of Morocco’s position on the Sahara issue.

In conclusion, this achievement underscores the importance of quiet and effective diplomacy in achieving political and strategic gains on the international stage, and opens new horizons for Moroccan diplomatic work in the future.

About محمد الفاسي