On the Occasion of Youth Day, a Royal Pardon Benefits 708 Individuals

On the occasion of the auspicious Youth Day this year 1446 Hijri, 2024 AD, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God preserve him, issued his supreme and obeyed order to pardon a group of individuals, some of whom are incarcerated and others who are at liberty, who were convicted by various courts of the Cherished Kingdom, totaling 708 individuals.

The statement from the Ministry of Justice explained that the beneficiaries of this royal pardon who are incarcerated number 474 inmates, where the pardon included 28 inmates by pardoning the remainder of their prison or jail sentence, while 442 inmates benefited from a reduction in their prison or jail sentence, and the life sentence was commuted to a fixed-term sentence for 4 inmates.

As for the beneficiaries of the royal pardon who are at liberty, their number reached 234 individuals, where the pardon included 31 individuals by pardoning the prison sentence or what remains of it, while 11 individuals benefited from the pardon of the prison sentence while maintaining the fine, 183 individuals from the pardon of the fine only, and 9 individuals from the pardon of both the prison sentence and the fine.

The statement from the Ministry of Justice expressed the supplication of everyone for His Majesty the King to keep him as a treasure and refuge for this nation, and a source of compassion and mercy, and to return the like of this holiday upon his majesty with victory and empowerment, and to delight his eye with the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Al-Hassan, and all members of the Sharif Royal Family.

About محمد الفاسي