Royal Pardon for Small Farmers in Cannabis Cultivation Cases: A Step Inaugurating a New Phase of Humanitarian Initiatives

In a humanitarian move reflecting the social and economic depth of His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s vision, His Majesty has issued a royal pardon encompassing small farmers prosecuted in cannabis cultivation cases. This noble royal pardon comes in the context of a series of measures taken by the Kingdom to promote social and economic stability in rural areas, especially those suffering from difficult living conditions.

This noble royal pardon, which coincided with a major national anniversary, inaugurates a new phase in Morocco’s journey towards enhancing humanitarian values. These national occasions have become moments where His Majesty the King’s humanitarian initiatives are renewed, giving them a special character that reinforces the values of solidarity and mutual support in society.

This decision is an important step towards improving the conditions of small farmers who were suffering from legal and social consequences due to their cultivation of cannabis. Thanks to this pardon, these farmers will be able to return to their normal lives and engage in legitimate economic activities, contributing to improving their standard of living and providing a decent life for themselves and their families.

In addition to the humanitarian impact of this pardon, it also reflects the royal vision that seeks to transform the challenges of cannabis cultivation into developmental opportunities, by providing agricultural alternatives and modern technologies that contribute to achieving sustainable development in these areas.

Overall, this noble royal pardon embodies the value of humanitarian initiatives adopted by the Kingdom under the leadership of His Majesty the King, making each national occasion an opportunity to launch new initiatives aimed at improving citizens’ lives and promoting social justice throughout the Kingdom.

Source: Fez News

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