New Royal Pardon Raises Expectations High: A Step that Reinforces Hope and Opens New Doors for Small Farmers

In a new initiative reflecting the wise vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, His Majesty has issued a comprehensive royal pardon aimed at addressing the difficult social conditions experienced by large segments of small farmers in various regions of the Kingdom, especially those related to the cultivation of kif plant. This noble royal pardon was not only a surprise to everyone, but came to restore hope to thousands of families who were suffering from harsh living conditions due to legal restrictions associated with cannabis cultivation.

This royal pardon comes in the context of His Majesty’s continuous efforts to enhance social and economic stability in rural areas, and provide real opportunities for development and prosperity. This pardon gives its beneficiaries a valuable opportunity to return to their normal lives and engage in legitimate activities that contribute to improving their living conditions, away from the legal and economic risks that surrounded them.

Through this pardon, His Majesty the King once again affirms his deep commitment to promoting social justice, strengthening national cohesion, and supporting the most vulnerable groups in Moroccan society. The royal pardon was not just a legal procedure, but a clear expression of the royal vision that places humans at the heart of the development process and considers them the essential element in building a cohesive and prosperous society.

In addition to the legal and social dimensions, this royal pardon carries an important economic dimension. By enabling small farmers to integrate into legitimate economic activity, this pardon contributes to stimulating the local economy and enhancing national efforts to transform cannabis cultivation into a legal activity that serves the national economy and provides new job opportunities.

This royal pardon also reinforces efforts to organize and regulate activities related to cannabis cultivation in Morocco, in line with national and international legal requirements. This reflects Morocco’s commitment to developing a comprehensive and integrated approach to dealing with this file, taking into account social, economic, and humanitarian dimensions.

In conclusion, this royal pardon comes as a milestone in the path of promoting social justice in Morocco, and reflects His Majesty the King’s firm will to build a society characterized by solidarity and mutual support, where every individual has the opportunity to live with dignity and engage in building a better future for themselves and their community.

Source: Fez News

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