Royal Pardon Includes 5,516 Individuals on the Anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People

King Mohammed VI of Morocco has issued a royal pardon for 5,516 individuals on the occasion of the annual commemoration of the Revolution of the King and the People for the year 1446 AH (2024 AD). According to a statement from the Moroccan Ministry of Justice, the pardon covers two main categories:

First Category: 685 individuals convicted by various courts in the kingdom, including:

  • 548 current prisoners, benefiting from full release or reduction in sentence duration.
  • 137 individuals not in custody, benefiting from pardons for prison sentences, fines, or both.

Second Category: 4,831 individuals involved in cases related to cannabis cultivation, whether convicted, under investigation, or wanted, provided they meet the required conditions for benefiting from the pardon.

The statement indicated that this royal pardon aims to enable beneficiaries to integrate into the new strategy adopted by the kingdom regarding the regulation of activities related to cannabis. This strategy includes the establishment of the National Agency for Regulating Cannabis-Related Activities, which aims to organize the manufacturing, processing, export of cannabis, and import of its products for medical, pharmaceutical, and industrial purposes.

The pardon also aims to contribute to the development of alternative crops and non-agricultural activities in the concerned areas, which may have a positive impact on both economic and social levels.

It’s worth noting that the royal pardon is an annual tradition coinciding with important national occasions in Morocco and is considered a manifestation of royal clemency and mercy towards citizens.

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