Alain Delon

French Cinema Legend Alain Delon Dies at 88: A Friend of Morocco and Defender of Moroccan Sahara

Renowned French actor Alain Delon has passed away at the age of 88, leaving behind a significant cinematic legacy and a strong relationship with the Kingdom of Morocco.

Delon, who was famous for his prominent roles in French and international cinema, was known for his supportive stance towards Morocco and its national causes. In 2003, he was honored with the Order of the Alaouite Throne by Prince Moulay Rachid, and also received the Golden Star at the Marrakech International Film Festival, in recognition of his illustrious artistic career and his special relationship with the Kingdom.

Delon’s support for Morocco was not limited to the artistic field but extended to sensitive political issues. He strongly defended Morocco’s claim to the Sahara, affirming Morocco’s right to its southern territories. He also championed the cause of Moroccan prisoners held in the Polisario camps in Tindouf, Algeria, calling for their release.

Delon’s death is a great loss not only for French and world cinema but also for Morocco, which has lost a friend and strong supporter of its causes. Many Moroccan officials and artists have mourned his passing, praising his noble stances towards the Kingdom and its people.

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