Controversy Over Unofficial Parking Fees at Sefrou Waterfall Area

A controversial practice near the famous Sefrou Waterfall has sparked outrage among visitors and local residents. A circulated image has revealed an unofficial ticket being imposed on car and motorcycle owners for parking their vehicles in the area surrounding the waterfall.

The image shows a blue ticket bearing the serial number “7777735” and the phrase “Waterfall Station” in Arabic, with a value of 5 dirhams. Notably, the ticket lacks any official stamp from the local council or any government entity, raising questions about its legitimacy and origin.

Many citizens have expressed their dissatisfaction with this practice, considering it a form of illegal exploitation. Some affected visitors have called on the relevant authorities to intervene urgently to investigate the matter and regulate the parking process in the area in a legal and transparent manner.

Local residents and visitors are demanding clarifications about the identity of the entity responsible for issuing these tickets and the destination of the collected funds. They are also calling for the need to organize tourist facilities in the area in a way that guarantees visitors’ rights and preserves the beauty of the place.

It’s worth noting that Sefrou Waterfall is one of the most prominent tourist attractions in the region, annually attracting thousands of visitors. This incident highlights the importance of regulating services associated with natural tourist sites, ensuring a positive experience for visitors and benefiting the local community in a legal and organized manner.

So far, official authorities have not issued any comment on the matter, which adds to the state of ambiguity surrounding this practice.

The situation underscores the need for better oversight and regulation of tourist amenities in popular natural sites. It also raises questions about the broader issues of informal economies in tourist areas and the balance between local entrepreneurship and official management of public spaces.

As the story develops, it is expected that local authorities will need to address these concerns to maintain the area’s appeal as a tourist destination while ensuring fair and transparent practices for all visitors.

About محمد الفاسي