Morocco Under Threat of Major Cyber Attack

A security analysis report issued by the Cyber Threat Intelligence team at DATAPROTECT has revealed a potential threat targeting Morocco. According to the report, a newly formed Indian hacker group known as “The Night Hunters” has announced its intention to target Moroccan institutions as part of an operation dubbed “OP_MA”.

The report states that the group announced at the beginning of last week its plan to launch attacks targeting infrastructure and government and private institutions in the Kingdom of Morocco starting from August 10. Although the group has so far focused on targeting Indian entities, including the Ministry of Tourism and Economic Creativity in June 2024, it is now clearly expanding its activity to include Morocco.

The “Night Hunters” specialize in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which aim to disrupt the online services of their targets. Their modus operandi involves using botnets to overwhelm IT infrastructures, rendering websites and services inaccessible.

The group’s motivations appear to be geopolitical in nature, possibly linked to political dissent or ideological disagreements. The choice of Morocco as a target raises questions about the group’s precise intentions and potential underlying tensions.

In the face of this imminent threat, all citizens and institutions in Morocco are advised to be vigilant against any suspicious activity or communication, especially regarding phishing operations and malware. It is also recommended to activate and update cybersecurity procedures and threat intelligence tools to address this risk.

Experts advise Moroccan organizations to strengthen their defenses against DDoS attacks. This includes setting up DDoS mitigation services, increased network monitoring, using load balancing technologies, and preparing incident response plans.

This threat underscores the importance of cybersecurity as a crucial issue for protecting national digital infrastructure against these forms of targeted attacks.

The report emphasizes the need for heightened awareness and proactive measures across both public and private sectors in Morocco. It also highlights the evolving nature of cyber threats and the importance of international cooperation in cybersecurity to address such cross-border challenges.

As the situation develops, Moroccan authorities and cybersecurity experts are likely to monitor the threat closely and may issue further guidance to organizations and the public on how to protect against potential attacks.

About محمد الفاسي