Escalation on Lebanese-Israeli Border: Hezbollah Targets Israeli Sites and Fires Break Out in Northern Israel

The border area between Lebanon and Israel witnessed a new escalation today, as Israel’s Channel 12 reported fires breaking out in five locations in northern Israel due to rocket launches from Lebanese territory.

According to Lebanese media sources, Hezbollah fired rocket salvos from southern Lebanon towards Israeli military targets in the Western Galilee, Kfar Shouba heights, and Shebaa Farms.

Hezbollah confirmed its responsibility for the attacks in a statement published through its Telegram channel, indicating that it targeted surveillance equipment at the Miskav Am site, claiming to have achieved a direct hit.

In response, Israeli media reported hearing warning sirens in the Arab al-Aramshe area and other locations near the border with Lebanon.

In two separate statements, Hezbollah announced that its elements targeted surveillance equipment at the Israeli “Miskav Am” site, as well as attacking the Israeli settlement of “Eilon” with Katyusha rockets. According to the group, these attacks came in response to Israeli assaults on the towns of “Teir Harfa” and “Aita al-Shaab” in southern Lebanon.

This escalation comes amid increasing tension on the Lebanese-Israeli border, raising concerns about the potential widening of confrontations in the region.

The situation remains volatile, with both sides seemingly engaged in a cycle of retaliatory actions. The international community is closely monitoring these developments, given the potential for further escalation in an already tense Middle Eastern region.

As of now, there have been no reports of casualties from either side, but the property damage and the psychological impact on border communities are significant concerns for both Lebanese and Israeli authorities.

About محمد الفاسي