The police in Kenitra managed to arrest a 26-year-old man with a criminal record last Wednesday, on suspicion of being involved in a case of assault and battery using a knife.
The incident took place on Tuesday, August 6, when the suspect and his brother assaulted a customer at an ice cream parlor in the “Alliance” area of Kenitra, due to previous disputes between them. These criminal acts caused significant outrage and were captured in a video that circulated on social media.
After a series of investigations and inquiries, the police were able to identify the two suspects. One of them was arrested on Wednesday, and a knife used in the assault was found in his possession.
The suspect has been placed under police custody, awaiting further investigations overseen by the relevant public prosecution, to uncover all the details of the case. Meanwhile, efforts are ongoing to arrest his brother involved in these criminal acts.
Source: Fes News Media