PJD General Secretariat criticizes the silence of Arab and Islamic countries on the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh

The General Secretariat of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) criticized in a statement on Thursday what it described as the “silence and delay” shown by most Arab and Islamic countries in condemning the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, whom it described as a “martyred jihadist leader.”

The party expressed surprise at the absence of official positions of these countries towards the assassination of Haniyeh, emphasizing his role as an Arab and Islamic political leader, a former Palestinian prime minister and the head of a legitimate national resistance movement facing the Zionist occupation of the land of Palestine and Jerusalem.

The party considered that the failure of these countries to condemn Haniyeh’s assassination “contradicts historical Arab and Islamic positions supporting the rights of the Palestinian people, and may encourage the Zionist enemy to continue its crimes.”

The party called on Arab and Islamic countries to “catch up, review their positions, and take action to stop the Zionist aggression and its violations of the sovereignty of countries and its violation of international laws and treaties.”

On the positive side, the party expressed its appreciation for the Moroccan king’s initiatives in providing humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, emphasizing Morocco’s firm stance in support of the Palestinian cause. This was reflected in the King’s recent speech on the occasion of the Throne Day, where he referred to the importance of the Palestinian cause and not forgetting the tragedy of the Palestinian people.

Source : Fes News Media

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