Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen on X Platform: The Moroccan Sahara is an Integral Part of the Sharifian Kingdom

Paris – In a tweet on her official social media account, Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Rally party, expressed her support for the recent stance of the French government on the issue of the Moroccan Sahara.

Le Pen stated in her tweet: “The French government has long delayed recognizing Morocco’s steadfast commitment over decades to the stability and security of the Western Sahara, which is an integral part of the Sharifian Kingdom.”

The French politician added, “We must support all pragmatic initiatives by the Moroccan authorities that will help promote peace in this region, ensuring its development.”

These statements follow France’s official announcement of its support for Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara, which observers have viewed as a significant shift in the French position on this issue.

Le Pen’s support, as one of the prominent political figures in France, indicates a growing political consensus in France around supporting Morocco’s stance on the Sahara issue.

Le Pen’s remarks highlight the importance of Morocco’s role in regional stability, calling for more support for Moroccan initiatives aimed at achieving peace and development in the Sahara.

Source: Fes News

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