King Mohammed VI Delivers Throne Speech, Reaffirms Support for Palestinian Cause

In a significant political development, King Mohammed VI of Morocco delivered his annual speech on the occasion of Throne Day, marking the 25th anniversary of his ascension to the throne. The address covered several pivotal issues, with a particular focus on the situation in Palestine.

In his speech, the King emphasized that Morocco’s concern with its internal affairs does not divert attention from the tragedy experienced by the Palestinian people. As Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, His Majesty highlighted the efforts made to deliver urgent humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, affirming the kingdom’s continued support for initiatives aimed at achieving a ceasefire and improving the humanitarian situation.

King Mohammed VI stressed the need to move beyond crisis management and towards finding a final solution to the conflict. In this context, he outlined three main points:

  1. The urgency of working towards ending the war in Gaza as an immediate priority, while opening political horizons for achieving a just and lasting peace in the region.
  2. The importance of reviving the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis through negotiations, with the necessity of confronting extremism from all parties.
  3. Emphasizing that achieving security and stability in the region is linked to the two-state solution, with Gaza being an integral part of the independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

This speech comes at a time when the region is witnessing escalating tensions, highlighting Morocco’s role as an important regional player seeking to contribute to resolving crises and promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.

The King’s address underscores Morocco’s commitment to the Palestinian cause and its efforts to play a constructive role in regional diplomacy. It also reflects the country’s balanced approach in addressing complex regional issues while maintaining its focus on internal development.

As the situation in the Middle East continues to evolve, King Mohammed VI’s message serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges and the need for sustained diplomatic efforts to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region.

About محمد الفاسي