the full text of King Mohammed VI’s speech on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Throne Day

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, delivered a speech to his loyal people this Monday evening on the occasion of Throne Day, which marks the 25th anniversary of His Majesty’s accession to the throne of his glorious ancestors.

The following is the text of the royal speech:

“Praise be to God, and peace and blessings be upon our Master, the Messenger of God, his family and companions.

My dear people,

Today, we proudly commemorate the 25th anniversary of our accession to the throne. During these years, we have achieved, thank God, many gains and accomplishments in the field of political and institutional reforms, and in consolidating Moroccan identity. We have also launched many economic and development projects, and social programs, to achieve social cohesion and enable citizens to access basic services.

We have also worked to consecrate territorial unity and strengthen Morocco’s position as an influential actor and a responsible and reliable partner at the regional and international levels.

My dear people,

What we have achieved gives us self-confidence and hope for the future.

However, the challenges facing our country require more effort and vigilance, creating solutions, and governance in management. One of the most important of these challenges is the water issue, which is becoming more acute due to drought, the impact of climate change, the natural increase in demand, in addition to delays in implementing some programmed projects within the framework of water policy.

The succession of six years of drought has profoundly affected water reserves and groundwater, making the water situation more fragile and complex. To face this situation, which affects many regions, especially in rural areas, we have issued our directives to the competent authorities to take all urgent and innovative measures to avoid water shortages.

We have been emphasizing the need for optimal implementation of all components of the National Program for Drinking Water Supply and Irrigation 2020-2027, which has contributed, thank God, to alleviating the severity of the water situation.

Given the increasing needs and constraints, we insist on the necessity of continuous updating of the mechanisms of the national water policy, and setting a strategic goal, in all circumstances and conditions, which is: ensuring drinking water for all citizens, and providing at least 80 percent of irrigation needs, at the national level.

In this context, it is necessary to complete the dam construction program, giving priority to dam projects programmed in areas that experience significant rainfall.

In accordance with our proactive and ambitious strategic perspective, we call for accelerating the implementation of major water transfer projects between water basins: from the Oued Laou and Loukkos basin to the Oum Er-Rbia basin, passing through the Sebou and Abu Regreg basins.

This will enable the utilization of one billion cubic meters of water that was being lost to the sea.

These projects will also allow for a balanced spatial distribution of national water resources.

It is also necessary to accelerate the completion of seawater desalination plants, according to the program set for them, which aims to mobilize more than 1.7 billion cubic meters annually.

This will enable Morocco, by 2030, to cover more than half of its drinking water needs from these plants, in addition to irrigating large agricultural areas, thus contributing to strengthening the country’s food security.

This is similar to the Casablanca water desalination plant, which will be the largest project of its kind in Africa, and the second in the world to operate 100 percent on clean energy.

The biggest challenge remains the completion of the programmed plants and associated renewable energy projects within the specified deadlines, without any delay. Because water production from desalination plants requires supplying them with clean energy, it is necessary to expedite the completion of the electrical connection project to transfer renewable energy from the southern provinces to the center and north as soon as possible.

In this regard, we call for working on developing a national industry in the field of water desalination, and creating branches for training specialized engineers and technicians; in addition to encouraging the establishment of specialized Moroccan companies in the construction and maintenance of desalination plants.

Here we affirm again that there is no room for any complacency, delay, or mismanagement in a fateful issue like water.

My dear people,

Given the efforts made to provide water for all, we must be honest with ourselves regarding the rationalization and optimization of water use: it is not reasonable to spend tens of billions to mobilize water resources, while manifestations of their waste and misuse continue. Preserving water is a national responsibility that concerns all institutions and actors. It is also a trust in the necks of all citizens.

We call on the competent authorities for more firmness in protecting the public water property, activating the water police, and limiting the phenomenon of excessive exploitation and random pumping of water. We also strongly call for more coordination and harmony between water policy and agricultural policy, especially in times of scarcity, while working on generalizing drip irrigation.

In the same context, we direct the adoption of a more ambitious program in the field of water treatment and reuse; as an important source to cover irrigation and industry needs and others.

Finally, we would like to emphasize the need to encourage innovation and invest in what new technologies offer in the field of water management.

Regarding the southern provinces of the Kingdom, the completed water desalination plants have strongly contributed to economic and social development in the region. Therefore, we direct the expansion of the Dakhla plant, and the future increase in the production capacity of other plants; by relying on the great potential of clean energy available in these provinces.

This is to respond to the needs of the population and the requirements of productive sectors, such as agriculture, tourism, industry, and others.

My dear people,

Our concern with the internal conditions of our country does not make us forget the tragedy experienced by the brotherly Palestinian people.

In our capacity as Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, we have worked to open an unprecedented path to deliver urgent food and medical aid to our brothers in Gaza.

With the same spirit of commitment and responsibility, we continue to support constructive initiatives aimed at finding practical solutions to achieve a concrete and permanent ceasefire and address the humanitarian situation.

The worsening of the situation in the region requires moving from the logic of crisis management to the logic of working to find a final solution to this conflict, according to the following perspective:

  • First: If reaching a ceasefire in Gaza is an urgent priority, it must be done in parallel with opening a political horizon capable of establishing a just and lasting peace in the region.
  • Second: The adoption of negotiations to revive the peace process between the Palestinian and Israeli sides requires cutting off the path for extremists, from any side they may be.
  • Third: Establishing security and stability in the region will only be complete within the framework of a two-state solution, in which Gaza is an integral part of the territories of the independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

My dear people,

Contributing to the development of the homeland, and defending its supreme interests and just causes, is the responsibility of all female and male citizens. Here we would like to express our pride in the efforts made by all living forces and national actors, in the public and private sectors, for the progress and development of the country.

We must especially commend and appreciate all components of our Royal Armed Forces, the Royal Gendarmerie, the Territorial Administration, the National Security, the Auxiliary Forces and Civil Protection, for their dedication and constant mobilization under our leadership, to defend the unity, security and stability of the homeland.

We also reverently pray for the pure souls of Morocco’s righteous martyrs, foremost among them our grandfather and our benefactor father, Their Majesties King Mohammed V and King Hassan II, may God honor their resting place.

The best conclusion is the saying of the Almighty: “And Allah has sent down rain from the sky and given life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness.” The Almighty God has spoken the truth.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty be upon you.”

About محمد الفاسي