Royal Pardon Includes Journalists and Activists on the Occasion of Throne Day

The Ministry of Justice announced on Monday evening a royal pardon that included a group of names belonging to the journalistic body and activists who had been convicted by the kingdom’s courts on charges related to common law.

The royal pardon included journalists Taoufik Bouachrine, Omar Radi, and Suleiman Raissouni, as well as activists Reda Taouji, Youssef El Heirech, Saida El Alami, and Mohamed Knaizou (known as “Moul Kartassa”). These individuals benefited from the pardon after serving varying periods of custodial sentences for different judicial files.

The royal pardon, which came on the occasion of Throne Day, also included another group of judicially convicted individuals who were free. Among the beneficiaries of the pardon were Imad Stitou, Afaf Bernani, Hicham Mansouri, and Abdessamad Ait Aicha.

On the same occasion, 16 convicts under the provisions of the anti-terrorism law benefited from the royal pardon after their rehabilitation through the “Reconciliation” program, which aims to revise ideas and abandon extremism and violence.

This royal pardon comes within the framework of humanitarian initiatives encompassing 2,476 people, taking into account the humanitarian situations of the beneficiaries and emphasizing the importance of tolerance and rehabilitation in society.

Source: Fes News

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