King Mohammed VI Orders Urgent Measures to Address Water Crisis and Calls for Expansion of Dakhla Desalination Plant

In a significant move to address the escalating water crisis in the kingdom, His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco announced new royal directives during the annual Throne Speech delivered on Monday evening, July 29, 2024.

In his speech, His Majesty confirmed that he has issued high instructions to the government to take urgent measures aimed at finding effective solutions to the water crisis facing the country. He emphasized the need for immediate action to ensure the provision of potable water to all citizens across the kingdom.

In a notable development, His Majesty called for the expansion of the seawater desalination plant in the city of Dakhla in the Moroccan Sahara. He explained that this step aims to provide drinking water and irrigation, reflecting the royal interest in developing the southern regions of the kingdom and ensuring the sustainability of water resources there.

This royal announcement comes in the context of increasing drought and water scarcity that the kingdom has been experiencing in recent years, posing a significant challenge to the national economy and citizens’ lives.

Observers welcomed these royal steps, considering them a reflection of the great attention the Moroccan monarch gives to sustainable development issues and improving living conditions for citizens throughout the kingdom.

The government is expected to announce a detailed action plan in the coming days, including urgent measures to be taken to implement the royal directives. These measures may include, in addition to the expansion of the Dakhla desalination plant, strengthening water distribution infrastructure in other areas, developing new seawater desalination technologies, and encouraging water conservation.

It is worth noting that the water issue is one of the most prominent challenges facing Morocco in light of global climate change, and these royal initiatives come to confirm the importance of dealing with this issue as a top national priority.

Official sources have promised to provide more details about the plan to expand the Dakhla desalination plant and other measures to be taken at a later time.

About محمد الفاسي