Agdal district celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Throne Day by organizing its first road race

As part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the glorious Throne Day, Agdal district organized the first road race in collaboration with the Fes-Boulman Athletics League and the Bab El Fattouh Association.

According to a local source, the race was a special occasion to honor a number of international sports figures. The event was attended by a group of distinguished guests, including provincial councillors, and the organization was known for its precision and professionalism.

The ceremony witnessed the honoring of the athletes selected by the organizing province, where Pasha Agdal, along with the head of the province, Slimani Houti, and his deputies, Abdelkader Dabbagh and Abdessalam Dabbagh, handed out the awards, as well as the international player Bassem El Houari and some councillors of the Jnan El Ouard and Fes Medina provinces.

The attendees agreed to make this race an annual event, with the second edition scheduled for next year.

Source : Fes News Media

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