Guelmim-Oued Noun Region Launches Development Projects on the 25th Anniversary of Throne Day

The Guelmim-Oued Noun region recently witnessed the inauguration and launch of numerous significant development projects, marking the 25th anniversary of the Glorious Throne Day. These initiatives were overseen by the region’s Governor, Mohamed Najem Abhay, and the President of the Regional Council, Mbarka Bouaida, in the presence of several officials and prominent figures.

The projects were diverse, covering various vital sectors, aimed at enhancing infrastructure and improving the quality of life for residents. In education, a project to upgrade and equip the preparatory classes center in Guelmim was inaugurated at a cost of 2.58 million dirhams. In the sports sector, work began on constructing several local sports fields across the region.

The projects also included improvements to water infrastructure, with the launch of a project to install a pipeline for treated wastewater in Guelmim city at a cost of 12.3 million dirhams, as well as visits to and launches of several dam construction projects in the area.

To boost economic development, construction began on a model shopping center and underground parking in Guelmim at a cost of 45 million dirhams. A project to build and equip a mining institute in Assa commune was also launched, with a cost approaching 70 million dirhams.

The initiatives did not neglect cultural and historical aspects, with the start of construction on a historical resistance memory space in Mahbes commune.

In transportation and infrastructure, the region saw the launch of several projects to improve the road network and construct engineering structures to facilitate travel and enhance road safety.

In the health sector, a project to build and equip a local hospital in Lakhsas commune in Sidi Ifni province was launched at a cost exceeding 61 million dirhams.

These diverse projects reflect the region’s strategic vision for achieving comprehensive and integrated development, aiming to improve living conditions for residents and strengthen infrastructure across various vital sectors.

About محمد الفاسي