Significant Improvement in Global Ranking of Moroccan Passport

The annual report released by Henley & Partners, a firm specializing in analyzing global passport power, has revealed a notable advancement in the ranking of the Moroccan passport for 2024. The Moroccan passport has climbed to the 68th position globally, achieving a jump of four places in just a few months.

The Henley Passport Index, which has been updated quarterly since 2005, is the only measure of its kind based on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The index covers 199 passports and 227 different travel destinations, making it a reference tool for evaluating passports in terms of global mobility.

According to the report, Moroccan passport holders can now enter 72 countries without the need for a prior visa, reflecting a tangible improvement in the strength of the Moroccan passport on the international stage.

Globally, Singapore maintained the top position in the ranking, with its passport allowing holders access to 195 out of 227 destinations worldwide without a visa. Five countries share the second place in terms of visa-free access to a record number of destinations. These are four European Union member states – France, Germany, Italy, and Spain – along with Japan, whose citizens can visit 192 out of 227 countries around the world without needing a visa.

This progress in the Moroccan passport’s ranking is considered a positive indicator of Morocco’s improving diplomatic relations and its strengthening position on the international stage.

About محمد الفاسي