To improve infrastructure and support vulnerable groups. Regional Committee for Human Development approves 54 projects at a cost of 27 million dirhams
To improve infrastructure and support vulnerable groups. Regional Committee for Human Development approves 54 projects at a cost of 27 million dirhams

To improve infrastructure and support vulnerable groups. Regional Committee for Human Development approves 54 projects at a cost of 27 million dirhams

The Regional Committee for Human Development in Sefrou approved 54 projects and activities during two meetings held in 2024, at a total cost of about 27 million dirhams, with the National Initiative for Human Development (NIHD) contributing 25 million dirhams of the total cost.

According to multiple local sources, these projects cover a variety of development programs that focus on improving basic infrastructure, such as providing drinking water and developing roads and paths, and aim to support vulnerable groups in society, including the elderly, beggars, homeless people, abandoned children, and people with disabilities without resources.

In addition, the projects include initiatives to improve income and promote the economic integration of youth, such as equipping a youth platform and entrepreneurship support projects.

The projects are also concerned with boosting the human capital of future generations by promoting maternal and child health and supporting schooling.

The regional committee confirmed that the programming of these projects went through several stages, starting with the identification of needs and the proposal of projects by the local committee for human development, after which the proposals were examined by technical committees to ensure coordination with other programs, before being presented to the regional committee for human development for final approval.

Source: Fes News Media

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