Algeria Condemns France’s Decision to Support Moroccan Autonomy Plan for Western Sahara

In a surprising diplomatic development, the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced through an official statement published on X (formerly Twitter) that France has informed Algerian authorities of its decision to support “unequivocally and without reservation” Morocco’s autonomy plan for Western Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty.

According to the statement, Algerian authorities were officially notified of this decision by their French counterparts in recent days. Algeria expressed its “deep disapproval” of this decision, describing it as “unexpected, untimely, and counterproductive.”

The statement added that the Algerian government considers the French decision “stemming from dubious political calculations, a morally questionable assumption, and legal interpretations that nothing supports or justifies.” Algeria strongly criticized this stance, especially as it comes from a permanent member of the Security Council who is supposed to act in accordance with the decisions of this body and international legitimacy in general.

Algeria warned that this decision “does not serve the goal of peace in Western Sahara at all, but helps prolong the stalemate and justifies and helps consolidate the colonial fait accompli in this region.”

The statement concluded by affirming that the Algerian government “will draw all the consequences resulting from this French decision, for which the French government alone bears full responsibility.”

This development indicates new tension in Algerian-French relations and is expected to have implications for diplomacy in the Maghreb region.

About محمد الفاسي