Governor of Kenitra Province Suspends Mayor and Deputies

Kenitra – In a strict move, Fouad Elmohammadi, the governor of Kenitra province, today signed an administrative decision to suspend Anas Bouanani, the mayor of Kenitra, and his deputies Mustapha Elkamh and Fatima Lazri from their duties and refer their cases to the Administrative Court in Rabat to consider their dismissal.

This decision came after a report by the General Inspectorate of Territorial Administration highlighted a series of irregularities in the urban planning sector of the municipality.

The governor had previously summoned the mayor and his deputies to provide clarifications regarding the violations identified in urban planning files before deciding to suspend them.

One of the mayor’s deputies will be tasked with managing the affairs of the municipal council pending a final ruling in the case.

This measure falls within the efforts of the Ministry of Interior to improve and monitor the management of territorial communities throughout the Kingdom of Morocco, where more than 40 mayors have been suspended and their cases referred to the administrative judiciary.

About محمد الفاسي