25th Anniversary of King Mohammed VI’s Accession to the Throne: A Quarter Century of Naval Military Modernization

Morocco celebrates this year the silver jubilee of King Mohammed VI’s accession to the throne, an occasion that highlights the significant development of the Royal Armed Forces, particularly the Royal Navy, over the past 25 years.

Since assuming power, King Mohammed VI has given special attention to developing the kingdom’s military capabilities, with a clear focus on enhancing naval power. This interest has manifested in several key areas:

  1. Establishment of a Strategic Naval Base:
  • Construction of a massive naval base in Ksar Sghir was launched in 2008.
  • This base is the largest of its kind in Morocco, located just 25 km from the city of Ceuta.
  • The base provides Morocco with a strategic presence in the Strait of Gibraltar.
  1. Modernization of the Naval Fleet:
  • Acquisition of advanced frigates of the FREMM and SIGMA class.
  • Addition of modern patrol ships and missile boats to the fleet.
  • Increase in Royal Navy personnel to 12,000, including 3,000 marines.
  1. Enhancement of Defense Capabilities:
  • Efforts to acquire submarines to bridge the gap with neighboring naval powers.
  • Improvement of maritime surveillance and detection systems.
  1. Training and International Cooperation:
  • Conducting joint exercises with naval forces of allied countries such as France, Portugal, Spain, and the United States.
  • Strengthening naval military cooperation with NATO.

This development came in response to several factors, including:

  • The need to protect the 3,500 km long coastline.
  • Facing increasing security challenges in the region, including smuggling and terrorism.
  • Enhancing Morocco’s strategic position in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean.

On this occasion, observers recall the significant efforts made by King Mohammed VI to modernize the Royal Armed Forces, especially the Navy, which has enhanced Morocco’s position as a prominent regional power. Experts look forward to further development in the coming years, especially with the continuation of security challenges in the region.

About محمد الفاسي