Government signs off on new senior appointments

On Wednesday, Muharram 18, 1446, corresponding to July 24, 2024, a cabinet meeting, chaired by Aziz Akhannouch, was devoted to a sectoral presentation and deliberation on a number of draft legal texts and proposals for appointments to senior positions in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

The Cabinet concluded its work by deliberating and approving proposals for appointments to senior positions in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

At the level of the High Commission for Planning, an appointment was made:

Mr. Anas Samaili, Director of the National Documentation Center.
At the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation:

Ms. Khadija Haboubi, Director of the National School of Applied Sciences in Al Hoceima.
At the level of the Ministry of Investment, Harmonization and Evaluation of Public Policies, the appointment of:

Mr. Mohsen Ibn Jelloun, Director of the Regional Investment Center for the Rabat-Salé-Qunaitra region.
At the level of the Ministry delegated to the Prime Minister in charge of relations with Parliament, the appointment of:

Mr. Moulay Lakbir Soussi Alaoui, Director of Relations with Parliament.
At the Ministry of Territorial Preparation, Urbanization, Housing and City Policy, the appointment of:

Ms. Hind Mastassi, Director of Human Resources, Financial and Public Affairs.
Source : Fes News Media

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