National Health Federation Sets Conditions for Meeting with Health Minister

Casablanca, July 22, 2024 – The National Health Federation, operating under the Moroccan Labor Union, has sent a letter to the Minister of Health and Social Protection in response to his invitation for a meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

In its letter, the Federation reaffirmed its belief in the importance of constructive dialogue to achieve tangible results that meet the aspirations and expectations of health workers. The Federation also reminded the Minister of its position on the current negotiations regarding the agreement minutes dated December 29, 2023, and the meeting minutes signed with the Federation on January 26, 2024.

The Federation outlined five essential conditions for the meeting to proceed under optimal circumstances:

  1. The government should apologize for preventing and suppressing the peaceful protest march of health workers on July 10, 2024.
  2. Direct negotiations should be held with a government delegation headed by the Prime Minister, including representatives from relevant ministerial sectors.
  3. Discussions should focus on implementing the contents of the December 29, 2023 agreement and the agreed-upon points (34 points).
  4. All judicial proceedings against health personnel arrested on July 10 should be dropped.
  5. The government should commit to not deducting wages from strikers who exercised their constitutional right to strike.

The Federation concluded its letter by emphasizing the importance of these conditions in contributing to calming the situation and ensuring successful dialogue between the two parties.

About محمد الفاسي