For this reason … The trial of the cell of the head of the procurement department of the Fes Meknes governorate has been postponed

The Court of Appeal in Fez decided on Tuesday morning to postpone the case of the head of the procurement and budget department of the Fes Meknes region, along with other defendants in cases related to financial and administrative corruption.

The reason for the postponement is due to the strike of lawyers and clerks, which began this morning.

Earlier, the public prosecution at the Fez Court of Appeal decided to detain the head of the budget and procurement department of the Fes Meknes region in the local prison in Bourkaize, and to prosecute him in pretrial detention before the first instance criminal chamber in charge of deciding on financial crimes at the mentioned court, against the backdrop of his involvement in a case of financial and administrative corruption.

The decision came after the regional judicial police squad in Fez referred the results of its investigations to the public prosecutor at the Fez Court of Appeal. The public prosecution decided to prosecute two contractors in custody and three other defendants in custody in the same file.

The head of the budget and procurement department in the Fes Meknes region was charged with criminal and misdemeanor charges, including “misappropriation and embezzlement of public funds”, “forgery”, “exclusion of competitors” and “abuse of influence”, while the other defendants were charged with “bribery”, “participation in embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds”, “participation in forging and using customary and official documents and excluding competitors”, while the other defendants were charged with “bribery”, “participation in embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds”, and “participation in forging and using customary and official documents and excluding competitors”.

It is noteworthy that the investigation with the defendants in this file came after the public prosecutor at the Fez Court received a complaint from the owner of a catering company, stating that there were irregularities in the management of food deals announced by the governorate of the Fez Meknes region.

Source : Fes News Media

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